Welcome to the WSU Small Fruit Horticulture (SFH) program!
The focus of the SFH program is whole-plant physiology of small fruit crops in response to alternative management systems designed to promote plant productivity, fruit quality, on-farm efficiencies, and the health of adjacent natural resources within the diverse conditions of the Pacific Northwest.This website is a resource providing production and programmatic information, as well as research and extension updates.
Learn More about the Program
The Washington State University Northwestern Research and Extension Center (WSU NWREC) was established in 1947. You can learn more about WSU NWREC by visiting the center’s website. The center recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its Agricultural Research & Technology Building (ARTB), which was constructed with partnership between WSU and the surrounding agricultural community in northwest Washington.
View Information by Crop
High Bush Blueberry
Our High Bush Blueberry Research