Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is a favorite among perennial fruit crops due to its aromatic and flavorful berries. Strawberry plants do not produce a true berry, but rather an aggregate accessory fruit. Interestingly, the true fruits of strawberry are the tiny “seeds” that stud the red flesh. Modern strawberry is a cross between F. virginiana and F. chiloensis and are categorized as being June-bearing, day-neutral, or everbearing. June-bearing strawberries develop overwintering flower/fruit buds in the late summer/fall, when daylength shortens and temperatures begin to cool. These buds overwinter, flower, and fruit during a concentrated period in June the following year. Day-neutral strawberry develops flowers and fruits without regard for daylength and thereby have an extended period of harvest. Everbearing types are similar to day-neutrals, except their harvest season is limited to early and late summer.
Production Overview
- 2014 Production Guide for Organic Strawberries (Cornell University, 2013)
Comprehensive production guide for organic strawberry production. - Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in Western Washington (Washington State University, 2014) (pdf)
- Growing Strawberries in the Inland Northwest & Intermountain West (University of Idaho, 1999) (pdf)
Review of strawberry production for the conditions of the Northwest and Intermountain west.
Plant Maintenance
- Strawberry Nutrient Management Guide for Oregon and Washington (Oregon State University 2019)
- Strawberry Management Schedule (British Columbia AgriFoodBC, last updated in 2012)
General guideline for plant and pest management.