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Comparison of Alternate- and Every-Year Production in Summer-Bearing Red Raspberry

Collaborating investigators: Suzette Galinato and Chris Benedict

Grower collaborator: Maberry Packing, LLC

Increasing costs and decreasing availability of labor are compromising the economic viability of commercial red raspberry production in western Washington. The grower community needs alternative production systems that maximize efficiency, minimize labor needs, maintain productivity, and are economically viable. This project addresses that need by evaluating the economic viability of alternate-year (AY) production relative to traditional every-year (EY) production systems.

The overall objective of this project is to evaluate the economic viability of alternative production systems that have the potential to reduce costs of production and improve on-farm profitability through enhanced production efficiencies.

Specific sub-objectives are:

1) Evaluate differences in plant productivity and yield between AY and EY production systems; and

2) Complete a benefit-cost analysis to assess the on-farm net benefits of AY production relative to traditional EY production systems (to be completed at the end of the project in 2020).

This project is now complete and publications are in progress. A final report and video many be accessed below that summarizes this 6-year trial.

Read the Final Report (2019): Alternate-year production in raspberry (pdf)
